As the month of March comes to a close, don't forget to check printable coupon websites like, Red Plum, SmartSource, and Coupon Network. If there are any coupons you think you're interested in using, print them now because they may be gone and replaced with new ones in April.
Can you believe tomorrow is April 1st already? I sure can't!
If you're looking to use coupons realistically in order to stretch your grocery dollars, you've come to the right blog!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Money Saving Challenge - week 13 in review
This week felt to me like it was chock full of money-saving activities. Here are the things I did to help save money:
- I matched sales and coupons at Tops,Wegmans, and Target to save money on groceries and Easter goodies.
- I found a penny next to my car in a parking lot. I know it's not much but every little bit counts, right? ;-)
- I combined errands on my outings to help save money on gas.
- I stayed home 1 day this week to also save money on gas.
- A few days this week I packed canned pineapple in my kids' lunches. I saved the juice from the can and used it to add to a smoothie.
- I cashed in Swagbucks for a $5 Amazon gift card that I will use towards Christmas gifts.
- I packed leftovers for my husband's work lunches.
- I made sure not to run my dishwasher unless it was full, and I cut the tablets in half. I find this has really been a saver -- the tablets don't clean any differently when I only use half of one, so I'm getting them to last twice as long. I also picked up another big container of them at BJ's since they had a store coupon for them.
- I received some coupons and a packet of organic basil seeds from a giveaway I entered a while ago from Stonyfield YoKids. I can't wait to plant the seeds so I can use fresh basil along with the other herbs I have growing in my kitchen.
- I download a few free ebooks onto my Nook.
- After ignoring my MyPoints account for a really long time, I started reading the emails again. I already have enough points sitting in my account to cash in for $10 or $25 gift cards. I think I'll cash out and use them to give as gifts during the holidays, or when we're planning a special outing. (I'm not sure why I stopped reading the emails, because I really do like the MyPoints program. If you're interested in joining, shoot me an email or leave me a comment and I'll send you a referral.)
- I mailed out my Johnson's Healthy Essentials rebate and will receive an envelope of coupons as a result.
What are some things you did this week to save money? I'd love to read about them in the comments!
Friday, March 30, 2012
Dollar Doublers are back!!!
When I received next week's Tops ad in the mail today, I was so excited to see their Dollar Doubler coupons were back. If you're not familiar with these, they are store coupons that will double a $1 manufacturer coupon to $2. There is a limit of 4 Dollar Doublers per transaction and the pre-coupon total must be $15 or more. These should help make for some awesome deals next week. Besides looking at the deals in the ad, I plan on taking a look at all the $1 coupons I have to see what might be really cheap after the Dollar Doublers. I can't wait for the sales to start on Sunday!
It's Tuna Pouch Friday!
They were having some technical difficulties earlier today, but the Tuna Pouch Friday coupon is now working, so head over to the StarKist Facebook page to print out your coupons for $0.50 off any tuna pouch product.
I've been waiting and waiting for a sale on these, and I believe I saw these on sale when I quickly glanced through next week's Tops ad.
Today is Mega Swag Bucks Day
I've done my morning search on Swagbucks today. Have you? Every Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Day, where the chances of being rewarded large denominations of Swag Bucks is increased. What are you waiting for? Go do your searches now!
Not familiar with Swagbucks? Here's the deal:
Swagbucks is a search engine (like Google or Yahoo). You are awarded points randomly (called Swag Bucks) when you search the Internet, answer surveys, watch videos, play games, etc. Once you sign up (it's free!), you can also refer friends and family and earn points from their referrals.
I normally earn my points through doing the web searches only (and really, who doesn't already do that? Why not get rewarded for what you're already doing?). I seem to get points after my third or fourth search and I try to do it once in the morning and again in the evening. When I earn points for a search, they are generally in the 7 - 10 point range. I've also done some surveys and earned a bunch of points very quickly. And every Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Day, where the odds of winning high-value Swag Bucks are increased.
Swag Bucks are redeemed in the Swagstore. While there are a lot of things to choose from, my favorite item hands down is the $5 Amazon gift card for 450 points. I know, that sounds like a lot of points, right? Trust me, if you commit to doing 2 searches per day, the points can add up quickly. I started using Swagbucks in June 2011 and by the end of the year I cashed in for $45 in Amazon gift cards which really helped with my Christmas shopping. I figure this year I'll be consistent enough about it that I will have quite a bit of free money to play with!
Interested? Sign up at Swagbucks (remember, it's free) and start earning free stuff!
Amazon gift cards earned in 2011: $45
Amazon gift cards earned in 2012: $35
Not familiar with Swagbucks? Here's the deal:
Swagbucks is a search engine (like Google or Yahoo). You are awarded points randomly (called Swag Bucks) when you search the Internet, answer surveys, watch videos, play games, etc. Once you sign up (it's free!), you can also refer friends and family and earn points from their referrals.
I normally earn my points through doing the web searches only (and really, who doesn't already do that? Why not get rewarded for what you're already doing?). I seem to get points after my third or fourth search and I try to do it once in the morning and again in the evening. When I earn points for a search, they are generally in the 7 - 10 point range. I've also done some surveys and earned a bunch of points very quickly. And every Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Day, where the odds of winning high-value Swag Bucks are increased.
Swag Bucks are redeemed in the Swagstore. While there are a lot of things to choose from, my favorite item hands down is the $5 Amazon gift card for 450 points. I know, that sounds like a lot of points, right? Trust me, if you commit to doing 2 searches per day, the points can add up quickly. I started using Swagbucks in June 2011 and by the end of the year I cashed in for $45 in Amazon gift cards which really helped with my Christmas shopping. I figure this year I'll be consistent enough about it that I will have quite a bit of free money to play with!
Interested? Sign up at Swagbucks (remember, it's free) and start earning free stuff!
Amazon gift cards earned in 2011: $45
Amazon gift cards earned in 2012: $35
Thursday, March 29, 2012
And the winner is...
Thank you to everyone who entered the recent $50 Amazon gift card giveaway. Congratulations to winner Kristen N. who has been contacted about her prize! Be sure to stay tuned for more giveaways in the future.
3/25 - 3/31 Wegmans shopping
Here are a few things I picked up at Wegmans today:
1 block of Sorrento mozzarella cheese (not pictured) - $1.99
On sale for $2.99, used the $1 coupon from the 2/12 SmartSource coupon insert
5 cans of Goya black beans - $0.59 each
On sale for $0.79 each, used a $1 off 5 coupon from the Goya website (must register)
5 cans of Goya blackeye peas - $.059 each
On sale for $0.79 each, used a $1 off 5 coupon from the Goya website
2 packages Dentyne Ice gum - $0.69 each
Priced at $1.19 each, used the $1 off 2 coupon from the 3/4 SmartSource coupon insert
4 boxes of WASA crackers - $0.49 each
Priced at $1.99 each, used 4 $0.75 coupons (double to $1.50) printed from their Facebook page
4 bags of Snikiddy Snacks - $1.00 each
Priced at 2/$5, used 4 $0.75 coupons (double to $1.50) printed from here
2 packages Carefree liners- FREE
Priced at $0.99 each, used 2 $1 coupons from the 3/18 SmartSource coupon insert
1 bottle Suave Men body wash - $0.50
On sale for $1.50, used the $0.50 coupon printed from here (click the "Share & Save" link, there are several Unilever coupons that will print out)
1 stick of Degree Men deodorant - $0.89
Priced at $2.39, used the $0.75 coupon printed from here
Note: I usually like to get deodorant for free (or as close to free as possible), but this is my husband's brand of choice so this was a good enough price for me.
1 Pure Protein bars - $0.50 each
On sale for $1.00 each, used the $1 off 2 coupon from the 3/11 Red Plum coupon insert (There is also a $1 coupon to make these free by signing up to receive their newsletter. I've signed up in the past and gotten my coupon, I've don't think I've ever actually gotten the newsletter, yet the coupon doesn't reset so I can't get another one. Go figure.)
I also bought some produce (not pictured and no coupons).
My total retail value of my trip was $49.04 and I paid $23.97 after Shoppers Club and coupons, for a savings of approximately 51%.
1 block of Sorrento mozzarella cheese (not pictured) - $1.99
On sale for $2.99, used the $1 coupon from the 2/12 SmartSource coupon insert
5 cans of Goya black beans - $0.59 each
On sale for $0.79 each, used a $1 off 5 coupon from the Goya website (must register)
5 cans of Goya blackeye peas - $.059 each
On sale for $0.79 each, used a $1 off 5 coupon from the Goya website
2 packages Dentyne Ice gum - $0.69 each
Priced at $1.19 each, used the $1 off 2 coupon from the 3/4 SmartSource coupon insert
4 boxes of WASA crackers - $0.49 each
Priced at $1.99 each, used 4 $0.75 coupons (double to $1.50) printed from their Facebook page
4 bags of Snikiddy Snacks - $1.00 each
Priced at 2/$5, used 4 $0.75 coupons (double to $1.50) printed from here
2 packages Carefree liners- FREE
Priced at $0.99 each, used 2 $1 coupons from the 3/18 SmartSource coupon insert
1 bottle Suave Men body wash - $0.50
On sale for $1.50, used the $0.50 coupon printed from here (click the "Share & Save" link, there are several Unilever coupons that will print out)
1 stick of Degree Men deodorant - $0.89
Priced at $2.39, used the $0.75 coupon printed from here
Note: I usually like to get deodorant for free (or as close to free as possible), but this is my husband's brand of choice so this was a good enough price for me.
1 Pure Protein bars - $0.50 each
On sale for $1.00 each, used the $1 off 2 coupon from the 3/11 Red Plum coupon insert (There is also a $1 coupon to make these free by signing up to receive their newsletter. I've signed up in the past and gotten my coupon, I've don't think I've ever actually gotten the newsletter, yet the coupon doesn't reset so I can't get another one. Go figure.)
I also bought some produce (not pictured and no coupons).
My total retail value of my trip was $49.04 and I paid $23.97 after Shoppers Club and coupons, for a savings of approximately 51%.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Just in time for Easter...the egg coupon is back!
Head over to the Incredible Edible Egg Facebook page and print a coupon for $0.55 off any 2 dozen eggs. Take it to a store that doubles, like Wegmans or Tops, to get the most bang for your buck.
These coupons have popped a few times, and they always go quickly. Make sure you get yours before the print limits are reached!
Note that you will have to disable your pop-up blocker, if you have one, to get the coupon to print.
Breakfast coupons from Kellogg's
Yesterday I posted about the Kellogg's coupons I found in specially marked boxes of Rice Krispies I bought at Tops.
There are 3 different packs of coupons floating around, and I was able to snag all 3.
Here are the coupons:
Pack 1 of 3
- Save $1.00 on any 2 Kellogg's Krave, Raisin Bran Cinnamon Almond and/or Kellogg's Crunchy Nut cereals (10 oz. or larger)
- Save $1.00 on any 2 Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats cereals (15 oz. or larger)
- Save $1.00 of any 2 Kellogg's Nutri-Grain cereal bars (8 ct. or larger)
- Save $1.00 on any 2 Kellogg's Rice Krispies, Cocoa Krispies. Cripix and/or Kellogg's Corn Flakes cereals (10 oz. or larger)
- Save $1.00 on any 3 Kellogg's Pop-Tarts (8 ct. or larger)
- Save $1.00 on any 3 Kellogg's Pop-Tarts (8 ct. or larger)
- Save $1.00 on any 1 Minute Maid Pure Squeezed (59 oz. bottle)
- Save $1.00 on fresh fruit when you purchase any 3 Kellogg's cereals (10 oz. or larger)
- Save $1.00 on any 3 Kellogg's Froot Loops, Apple Jacks, Corn Pops, Honey Smacks and/or Kellogg's Frosted Flakes cereals (10 oz. or larger)
- Save $1.00 on any 2 Kellogg's Raisin Bran cereal (14 oz. or larger)
- Save $2.00 on 2 gallons of milk and any 2 Kellogg's cereals (10 oz. or larger)
- Save $1.00 on any 2 Kellogg's Crunchy Nut cereals (10 oz. or larger)
- Save $1.00 on any 2 Kellogg's Fiber Plus cereals (11.5 oz. or larger)
- Save $1.00 on fresh eggs (any brand or size) when you purchase 3 Kellogg's cereals (10 oz. or larger)
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
3/25 - 3/31 Tops deals
I've made several trips to various Tops this week in order to stock up on some great deals. Here are the groceries I bought and the coupon match-ups (and let me apologize up front for any typos or things that don't make sense, since I've been interrupted about 83,674 times while trying to type up this post):
Transaction 1
6 bags Birds Eye Streamfresh veggies - $0.67 each
On sale 10/$10, used 2 $1 off 3 coupons from the 3/4 Red Plum coupon insert
3 bags Birds Eye Steamfresh rice varieties - $0.30 each
On sale 10/$10, used 3 $0.35 coupons (double to $0.70) printed from their website (click the scissors)
1 carton Friendship sour cream - $0.40
On sale 2/$3, used a $0.55 coupon from their website
2 blocks of Heluva Good cheese - $1.50 each
On sale 2/$4, used the $1 off 2 coupon from the3/25 SmartSource coupon insert
Note: There continues to be a $0.50 off 1 coupon link on their website, but I've had no luck getting it to print (it says the coupon is no longer available). Hopefully some of you were able to print it while it was still available.
3 cartons Ehrmann Bavarian yogurt - $0.50 each
On sale 10/$10, used the $0.75 off 3 coupon (doubles to $1.50) from the 2/26 SmartSource coupon insert
Note: This coupon states "don not double" but it doubled automatically at the register.
1 GUM Star Wars toothbrush - $1.00
On sale 2/$5, used the $0.75 coupon (doubles to $1.50) from the March issue of All You magazine
The retail value of this transaction was $32.14 and I paid $10.88 after coupons and discounts, for a savings of approximately 66%.
Transaction 2
1 2-liter bottle Pepsi Next - $0.06 ($0.01 + $0.05 deposit)
On sale for $0.98, used the $0.01 Pepsi Next Tops coupon from their anniversary game (the game is now over)
2 boxes Fiber One granola bars - $2.00 each
On sale 2/$5, used the $1 off 2 coupon from the 2/26 SmartSource coupon insert
2 boxes Fiber One 90 calorie granola bars - $2.00 each
On sale 2/$5, used the $1 off 2 coupon from the 2/26 SmartSource coupon insert
2 boxes of Nature Valley Protein granola bars - $2.00
On sale 2/$5, used the $1 off 2 coupon from the 2/26 SmartSource coupon insert
4 boxes of Cheez-Its - $1.10 each
On sale 2/$5, used 4 $0.70 coupons (double to $1.40) printed from here (must register)
4 boxes of Kellogg's Rice Krispies - $1.50 each, see notes below
On sale 2/$5, used the $4 off 4 coupon from here (use zip 77477 if you don't see it)
Notes: If you plan on buying these, you may want to look for the boxes with this marking on it:
1 bag Birds Eye Steamfresh rice varieties - $0.30
On sale 10/$10, used 3 $0.35 coupons (double to $0.70) printed from their website
2 bags Birds Eye Streamfresh veggies - $1.00 each
This annoys me. Now that I'm looking at my receipt, I realize that my $1 off 2 coupon did not get scanned. These should have been $0.50 each after the coupon.
The retail value of this transaction was $62.17 and I paid $25.76 after discounts and coupons, for a savings of about 59%.
Transaction 3
1 2-liter bottle Pepsi Next - $0.06 ($0.01 + $0.05 deposit)
On sale for $0.98, used the $0.01 Pepsi Next Tops coupon from their anniversary game
2 boxes Chocolate Cheerios - $1.50 each, see note
On sale 2/$5, used a $1 off 2 coupon printed from here, plus a $1 off any General Mills cereal Tops coupon from their anniversary game.
Note: I also activated the SavingStar eCoupon for $1 off 2 select Cheerios, so the final cost after the SavingStar rebate will be $1 each.
6 bags Birds Eye Streamfresh veggies - $0.50 each
On sale 10/$10, used 3 $1 off 2 coupons from their Facebook page (create a "veggie-powered plate" first)
The retail value of this transaction was $21.06 and I paid $6.06 after discounts and coupons, for an approximate savings of 71%.
Transaction 4
1 2-liter bottle Pepsi Next - $0.06 ($0.01 + $0.05 deposit)
On sale for $0.98, used the $0.01 Pepsi Next Tops coupon from their anniversary game
4 bags Birds Eye Streamfresh veggies - $0.50 each
On sale 10/$10, used 2 $1 off 2 coupons from their Facebook page
2 bags Birds Eye Steamfresh rice varieties - $0.30
On sale 10/$10, used 2 $0.35 coupons (double to $0.70) printed from their website
The retail value of this transaction was $12.68 and I paid $2.66 after discounts and coupons, for a savings of 79%.
Transaction 5
1 2-liter bottle Pepsi Next - $0.06 ($0.01 + $0.05 deposit)
On sale for $0.98, used the $0.01 Pepsi Next Tops coupon from their anniversary game
1 box Cheerios - FREE
On sale 2/$5, used a $0.75 coupon (doubles to $1.50) I received via snail mail, plus I used the $1 off any General Mills cereal Tops coupon from their anniversary game
4 Renuzit Fresh Accents air fresheners - 2 FREE and 2 @ $0.50 each
Priced at $2.99 each, I used a raincheck from when they were on sale 2/$3, plus 2 $0.75 coupons from here and 2 $1 coupons from their Facebook page (head's up: it involves gorgeous men LOL). I also need to send in the "try me free" rebate -- Hopefully I can find where I put it when I printed it, because it looks like it's not online anymore.
The retail value of this transaction was $18.49 and I paid $1.14 after discounts and coupons, for a savings of almost 94%.
Overall, I spent $46.50 for $146.54 worth of groceries, for a savings of approximately 68%. I have earned a gas discount of $0.30 per gallon already for this new earning period. Also, for each transaction where I bought a bottle of Pepsi Next, I received a Catalina coupon for a free bottle of Coke Zero or Diet Coke which will be nice treat!
There was one item I wasn't able to buy on any of my shopping trip that I had wanted. I did get a raincheck for Ziploc bags today that are on sale 2/$5, and I have 3 $0.60 coupons (double to $1.20 -- they were available at for a short time so was only able to get 3 of them, but if you buy 4 you'll get a $2 Catalina coupon at checkout).
6 bags Birds Eye Streamfresh veggies - $0.67 each
On sale 10/$10, used 2 $1 off 3 coupons from the 3/4 Red Plum coupon insert
3 bags Birds Eye Steamfresh rice varieties - $0.30 each
On sale 10/$10, used 3 $0.35 coupons (double to $0.70) printed from their website (click the scissors)
1 carton Friendship sour cream - $0.40
On sale 2/$3, used a $0.55 coupon from their website
2 blocks of Heluva Good cheese - $1.50 each
On sale 2/$4, used the $1 off 2 coupon from the3/25 SmartSource coupon insert
Note: There continues to be a $0.50 off 1 coupon link on their website, but I've had no luck getting it to print (it says the coupon is no longer available). Hopefully some of you were able to print it while it was still available.
3 cartons Ehrmann Bavarian yogurt - $0.50 each
On sale 10/$10, used the $0.75 off 3 coupon (doubles to $1.50) from the 2/26 SmartSource coupon insert
Note: This coupon states "don not double" but it doubled automatically at the register.
1 GUM Star Wars toothbrush - $1.00
On sale 2/$5, used the $0.75 coupon (doubles to $1.50) from the March issue of All You magazine
The retail value of this transaction was $32.14 and I paid $10.88 after coupons and discounts, for a savings of approximately 66%.
Transaction 2
1 2-liter bottle Pepsi Next - $0.06 ($0.01 + $0.05 deposit)
On sale for $0.98, used the $0.01 Pepsi Next Tops coupon from their anniversary game (the game is now over)
2 boxes Fiber One granola bars - $2.00 each
On sale 2/$5, used the $1 off 2 coupon from the 2/26 SmartSource coupon insert
2 boxes Fiber One 90 calorie granola bars - $2.00 each
On sale 2/$5, used the $1 off 2 coupon from the 2/26 SmartSource coupon insert
2 boxes of Nature Valley Protein granola bars - $2.00
On sale 2/$5, used the $1 off 2 coupon from the 2/26 SmartSource coupon insert
4 boxes of Cheez-Its - $1.10 each
On sale 2/$5, used 4 $0.70 coupons (double to $1.40) printed from here (must register)
4 boxes of Kellogg's Rice Krispies - $1.50 each, see notes below
On sale 2/$5, used the $4 off 4 coupon from here (use zip 77477 if you don't see it)
Notes: If you plan on buying these, you may want to look for the boxes with this marking on it:
Inside the box you will find 1 of 3 Kellogg's coupon booklets. Between the 4 boxes I bought, I was able to get all 3 coupon packs. This post is going to be long enough as it is, so I'll post a list of the coupons in another post. :-)1 bag Birds Eye Steamfresh rice varieties - $0.30
On sale 10/$10, used 3 $0.35 coupons (double to $0.70) printed from their website
2 bags Birds Eye Streamfresh veggies - $1.00 each
This annoys me. Now that I'm looking at my receipt, I realize that my $1 off 2 coupon did not get scanned. These should have been $0.50 each after the coupon.
The retail value of this transaction was $62.17 and I paid $25.76 after discounts and coupons, for a savings of about 59%.
Transaction 3
1 2-liter bottle Pepsi Next - $0.06 ($0.01 + $0.05 deposit)
On sale for $0.98, used the $0.01 Pepsi Next Tops coupon from their anniversary game
2 boxes Chocolate Cheerios - $1.50 each, see note
On sale 2/$5, used a $1 off 2 coupon printed from here, plus a $1 off any General Mills cereal Tops coupon from their anniversary game.
Note: I also activated the SavingStar eCoupon for $1 off 2 select Cheerios, so the final cost after the SavingStar rebate will be $1 each.
6 bags Birds Eye Streamfresh veggies - $0.50 each
On sale 10/$10, used 3 $1 off 2 coupons from their Facebook page (create a "veggie-powered plate" first)
The retail value of this transaction was $21.06 and I paid $6.06 after discounts and coupons, for an approximate savings of 71%.
Transaction 4
1 2-liter bottle Pepsi Next - $0.06 ($0.01 + $0.05 deposit)
On sale for $0.98, used the $0.01 Pepsi Next Tops coupon from their anniversary game
4 bags Birds Eye Streamfresh veggies - $0.50 each
On sale 10/$10, used 2 $1 off 2 coupons from their Facebook page
2 bags Birds Eye Steamfresh rice varieties - $0.30
On sale 10/$10, used 2 $0.35 coupons (double to $0.70) printed from their website
The retail value of this transaction was $12.68 and I paid $2.66 after discounts and coupons, for a savings of 79%.
Transaction 5
1 2-liter bottle Pepsi Next - $0.06 ($0.01 + $0.05 deposit)
On sale for $0.98, used the $0.01 Pepsi Next Tops coupon from their anniversary game
1 box Cheerios - FREE
On sale 2/$5, used a $0.75 coupon (doubles to $1.50) I received via snail mail, plus I used the $1 off any General Mills cereal Tops coupon from their anniversary game
4 Renuzit Fresh Accents air fresheners - 2 FREE and 2 @ $0.50 each
Priced at $2.99 each, I used a raincheck from when they were on sale 2/$3, plus 2 $0.75 coupons from here and 2 $1 coupons from their Facebook page (head's up: it involves gorgeous men LOL). I also need to send in the "try me free" rebate -- Hopefully I can find where I put it when I printed it, because it looks like it's not online anymore.
The retail value of this transaction was $18.49 and I paid $1.14 after discounts and coupons, for a savings of almost 94%.
Overall, I spent $46.50 for $146.54 worth of groceries, for a savings of approximately 68%. I have earned a gas discount of $0.30 per gallon already for this new earning period. Also, for each transaction where I bought a bottle of Pepsi Next, I received a Catalina coupon for a free bottle of Coke Zero or Diet Coke which will be nice treat!
There was one item I wasn't able to buy on any of my shopping trip that I had wanted. I did get a raincheck for Ziploc bags today that are on sale 2/$5, and I have 3 $0.60 coupons (double to $1.20 -- they were available at for a short time so was only able to get 3 of them, but if you buy 4 you'll get a $2 Catalina coupon at checkout).
Monday, March 26, 2012
More milk coupons
I was so excited to see milk coupons the past few weeks in the Sunday paper and SmartSource inserts. In case you didn't notice this past Sunday, there were Upstate Farms milk coupons again in the Democrat & Chronicle. Look on page 12A for a $0.50 off any half-gallon or larger coupon and a $0.25 off any 16 oz. Intense milk. The way 2 of my kids go through milk, I am absolutely loving these coupons!
The different varieties are priced differently, but I know the half-gallon of skim milk sells for $1.85 at my local Wegmans (that's just $0.85 after the coupon doubles!).
The different varieties are priced differently, but I know the half-gallon of skim milk sells for $1.85 at my local Wegmans (that's just $0.85 after the coupon doubles!).
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Rice Krispies deal at Tops
Head over to and print the coupon for $4 off 4 select Kellogg's cereal (use zip 77477 if you don't see it). One of the cereals listed is the 12 oz. box of Rice Krispies, which is on sale 2/$5 at this week at Tops. Buy 4 and pay just $1.50 per box.
My kids love Rice Krispies treats so I think I might stock up and make them some. OK, who am I kidding? I think I'll stock up so I can make them for me and eat a bunch! :-)
My kids love Rice Krispies treats so I think I might stock up and make them some. OK, who am I kidding? I think I'll stock up so I can make them for me and eat a bunch! :-)
Last day to play the Tops anniversary game
According to the rules posted on their website, today is the last day to play the Tops 50th anniversary game.
You can play the game here after you've registered your BonusCard. Pop a balloon for a chance to be a daily $50 gift card winner. If you don't win (have any of my readers won? I never did!), you can download a consolation prize coupon. You can play once every day to get a new coupon. I have to say, I've been pleasantly surprised by several awesome coupons!
You can play the game here after you've registered your BonusCard. Pop a balloon for a chance to be a daily $50 gift card winner. If you don't win (have any of my readers won? I never did!), you can download a consolation prize coupon. You can play once every day to get a new coupon. I have to say, I've been pleasantly surprised by several awesome coupons!
Today's final coupon is good for a 2 liter bottle of Pepsi Next for $0.01. It happens to on sale in the ad for $0.99, but I'm much happier to grab it for a penny after the coupon!
Even though I'm a little disappointed that I never won a gift card, I will definitely miss playing the game. Good luck and be sure to report back if you're a lucky gift card winner!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Tops anniversary game - great coupon today!
I've mentioned it in several Tops shopping trip posts, but I just wanted to post another reminder to play the Tops 50th anniversary game every day.
You can play the game here after you've registered your BonusCard. Pop a balloon for a chance to be a daily $50 gift card winner. If you don't win (have any of my readers won, because I sure haven't!), you can download a consolation prize coupon. You can play once every day to get a new coupon. I have to say, I've been pleasantly surprised by several awesome coupons!
You can play the game here after you've registered your BonusCard. Pop a balloon for a chance to be a daily $50 gift card winner. If you don't win (have any of my readers won, because I sure haven't!), you can download a consolation prize coupon. You can play once every day to get a new coupon. I have to say, I've been pleasantly surprised by several awesome coupons!
I've forgotten to play the past several days, but I just played tonight and was so excited to see today's coupon: $1.00 off any General Mills cereal. This will match up great with the sale starting 3/25: selected varieties of GM cereals are on sale 4/$10. Using today's coupon from the game knocks the price of a box to just $1.50.
The ad shows a picture of Cocoa Puffs, Cheerios, and Honey Nut Cheerios, but I don't know if there are any others included in the "selected varieties." Here are several coupons that can lower the price even more when paired with a $1 store coupon above, but only if they are included in the sale:
$0.75 off Cookie Crisp - free after coupon doubles
$0.50 off Lucky Charms - $0.50 after coupon doubles
There are also these coupons, but aren't as good of a deal in my opinion:
$1.00 off 3 select GM cereals (includes a bunch, including the 3 pictured in the ad)
Money Saving Challenge - week 12 in review
I feel like I really need to get back on the frugal bandwagon these days. Here are the things I did this week to help save money:
- I matched sales and coupons at Tops and Wegmans to save money on my groceries.
- I saved the most money on my grocery expenses by doing the majority of my "shopping" from my existing stockpile.
- I combined errands on my outings to help save money on gas.
- I stayed home 1 day this week to also save money on gas.
- I redeemed my Tops gas points to get a discount of $2.30 per gallon. I was able to get about 25 gallons at $1.67 per gallon, which saved me a little over $56 in gas.
- I cooked a cheap cut of meat (smoked pork shoulder picnic, one of my favorites, bought previously on sale for only $0.99 per pound!) and had enough to serve dinner one night plus leftovers for 2 additional meals. On top of that, I put the bone in my freezer to save for making soup or beans in my crockpot in the future.
- I packed leftovers for my husbands work lunches.
- I made sure not to run my dishwasher unless it was full, and I cut the tablets in half. I find this has really been a saver -- the tablets don't clean any differently when I only use a half of one, so I'm getting them to last twice as long.
- I took advantage of several freebie sample and coupon giveaways I found online at Vocalpoint and Facebook.
- Because of the unseasonably warm weather, I didn't run the heat at all this entire week. Hurray for the best March weather ever!
What are some things you did this week to save money?
Friday, March 23, 2012
3/18 - 3/14 shopping at Tops & Wegmans
I really didn't need too much from the grocery store this week, because I have a pretty well-stocked stockpile. Here is what I bought (not everything is pictured above):
Tops - transaction 1
1 loaf Bimbo soft wheat bread - $1.09
On sale for $2.19, used a $0.55 internet printable coupon (doubles to $1.10) that is no longer available (sorry!)
Notes: I generally buy bread at Aldi because it's cheaper. However, since I had no other purchases planned for Aldi this week, I decided not use the gas, time, and effort to make a special trip there just for bread. Also, there was a smaller loaf of Bimbo white bread that would have cost me a lot less, but 2 of my kids have decided they love this bread. Since the wheat is better for them than the white and they actually really like it, I wasn't about to argue!
1 carton Silk Pure Coconut - $2.99
Priced at $3.99, used a $1 coupon printed from here
2 bottles of Minute Maid Pure Squeezed orange juice - $1.00 each
On sale 2/$5, used 2 $0.75 coupons (double to $1.50) printed from here
The total retail value of this transaction was $13.56 and I paid $6.08 after discounts and coupons, for a savings of 55%.
Tops - transaction 2 (made on a different trip, so that I stayed within the store's double coupon limit policy)
4 bottles of Minute Maid Pure Squeezed orange juice - $1.00 each
On sale 2/$5, used 4 $0.75 coupons (double to $1.50) printed from here
The retail value of this transaction was also $13.56 (how weird is that?!) and I paid $4.00 after discounts and coupons, for a savings of about 71%.
Another Tops deal I did not get, but would if either I was low on cereal or thought my kids would like it, is Kellogg's Crunchy Nut cereal:
Kellogg's Crunchy Nut cereal - on sale 4/$8 (must buy 4 to get the sale price)
Use 2 of the $0.70 off 2 coupons (double to $1.40) found on the Kellogg's website
Pay $5.20 or $1.30 each, when you buy 4
2 cartons Silk Pure Almond - $2.44 each
Priced at $3.19 each, used a $0.75 off 2 coupon (doubles to $1.50) printed from here
1 half-gallon Upstate skim milk - $0.85
Priced at $1.85, used the $0.50 coupon from the front page of the 3/11 Democrat & Chronicle (there was also another coupon in the 3/18 SmartSource coupon insert)
The total retail cost of this trip was $8.23 and I paid $5.73 after coupons, for a savings of approximately 31%.
Overall, this wasn't a big savings week for me percentage-wise. My savings really came from not having to buy much (my weekly grocery bill was under $20!) and cooking from my stockpile.
Tops - transaction 1
1 loaf Bimbo soft wheat bread - $1.09
On sale for $2.19, used a $0.55 internet printable coupon (doubles to $1.10) that is no longer available (sorry!)
Notes: I generally buy bread at Aldi because it's cheaper. However, since I had no other purchases planned for Aldi this week, I decided not use the gas, time, and effort to make a special trip there just for bread. Also, there was a smaller loaf of Bimbo white bread that would have cost me a lot less, but 2 of my kids have decided they love this bread. Since the wheat is better for them than the white and they actually really like it, I wasn't about to argue!
1 carton Silk Pure Coconut - $2.99
Priced at $3.99, used a $1 coupon printed from here
2 bottles of Minute Maid Pure Squeezed orange juice - $1.00 each
On sale 2/$5, used 2 $0.75 coupons (double to $1.50) printed from here
The total retail value of this transaction was $13.56 and I paid $6.08 after discounts and coupons, for a savings of 55%.
Tops - transaction 2 (made on a different trip, so that I stayed within the store's double coupon limit policy)
4 bottles of Minute Maid Pure Squeezed orange juice - $1.00 each
On sale 2/$5, used 4 $0.75 coupons (double to $1.50) printed from here
The retail value of this transaction was also $13.56 (how weird is that?!) and I paid $4.00 after discounts and coupons, for a savings of about 71%.
Another Tops deal I did not get, but would if either I was low on cereal or thought my kids would like it, is Kellogg's Crunchy Nut cereal:
Kellogg's Crunchy Nut cereal - on sale 4/$8 (must buy 4 to get the sale price)
Use 2 of the $0.70 off 2 coupons (double to $1.40) found on the Kellogg's website
Pay $5.20 or $1.30 each, when you buy 4
2 cartons Silk Pure Almond - $2.44 each
Priced at $3.19 each, used a $0.75 off 2 coupon (doubles to $1.50) printed from here
1 half-gallon Upstate skim milk - $0.85
Priced at $1.85, used the $0.50 coupon from the front page of the 3/11 Democrat & Chronicle (there was also another coupon in the 3/18 SmartSource coupon insert)
The total retail cost of this trip was $8.23 and I paid $5.73 after coupons, for a savings of approximately 31%.
Overall, this wasn't a big savings week for me percentage-wise. My savings really came from not having to buy much (my weekly grocery bill was under $20!) and cooking from my stockpile.
Free Carefree at Wegmans
Print the Carefree coupon below and get them for FREE at Wegmans! The 20 - 22 count packages are just $0.99 at Wegmans, so after the coupon "doubles" (will only double to $0.99 per Wegmans' coupon policy) they will be free.
$0.50 off any CAREFREE product:
$0.50 off any CAREFREE product:

Free ZonePerfect bar coupon
Lots great freebie coupons today! Head over to Facebook to register for a coupon for a free ZonePerfect bar. I love keeping a few of these in my purse or car -- they help keep the hungries away without having to stop at a drive-thru while I'm out and about.
It's Friday - Earn free gift cards at Swagbucks!
I've done my morning search on Swagbucks today. Have you? Every Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Day, where the chances of being rewarded large denominations of Swag Bucks is increased. What are you waiting for? Go do your searches now!
Not familiar with Swagbucks? Here's the deal:
Swagbucks is a search engine (like Google or Yahoo). You are awarded points randomly (called Swag Bucks) when you search the Internet, answer surveys, watch videos, play games, etc. Once you sign up (it's free!), you can also refer friends and family and earn points from their referrals.
I normally earn my points through doing the web searches only (and really, who doesn't already do that? Why not get rewarded for what you're already doing?). I seem to get points after my third or fourth search and I try to do it once in the morning and again in the evening. When I earn points for a search, they are generally in the 7 - 10 point range. I've also done some surveys and earned a bunch of points very quickly. And every Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Day, where the odds of winning high-value Swag Bucks are increased.
Swag Bucks are redeemed in the Swagstore. While there are a lot of things to choose from, my favorite item hands down is the $5 Amazon gift card for 450 points. I know, that sounds like a lot of points, right? Trust me, if you commit to doing 2 searches per day, the points can add up quickly. I started using Swagbucks in June 2011 and by the end of the year I cashed in for $45 in Amazon gift cards which really helped with my Christmas shopping. I figure this year I'll be consistent enough about it that I will have quite a bit of free money to play with!
Interested? Sign up at Swagbucks (remember, it's free) and start earning free stuff!
Amazon gift cards earned in 2011: $45
Amazon gift cards earned in 2012: $30
Not familiar with Swagbucks? Here's the deal:
Swagbucks is a search engine (like Google or Yahoo). You are awarded points randomly (called Swag Bucks) when you search the Internet, answer surveys, watch videos, play games, etc. Once you sign up (it's free!), you can also refer friends and family and earn points from their referrals.
I normally earn my points through doing the web searches only (and really, who doesn't already do that? Why not get rewarded for what you're already doing?). I seem to get points after my third or fourth search and I try to do it once in the morning and again in the evening. When I earn points for a search, they are generally in the 7 - 10 point range. I've also done some surveys and earned a bunch of points very quickly. And every Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Day, where the odds of winning high-value Swag Bucks are increased.
Swag Bucks are redeemed in the Swagstore. While there are a lot of things to choose from, my favorite item hands down is the $5 Amazon gift card for 450 points. I know, that sounds like a lot of points, right? Trust me, if you commit to doing 2 searches per day, the points can add up quickly. I started using Swagbucks in June 2011 and by the end of the year I cashed in for $45 in Amazon gift cards which really helped with my Christmas shopping. I figure this year I'll be consistent enough about it that I will have quite a bit of free money to play with!
Interested? Sign up at Swagbucks (remember, it's free) and start earning free stuff!
Amazon gift cards earned in 2011: $45
Amazon gift cards earned in 2012: $30
Reminder: possible free CoffeeMate today
Don't forget to head over to the CoffeeMate Facebook page today for your chance to get a coupon for a free bottle of coffee creamer. The giveaway starts at 9am Pacific time (noon locally) and will be for the first 200,000 requests.
Grab your StarKist coupon
Since today is another Tuna Pouch Friday, don't forget to head over to the StarKist Facebook page to print out your coupons for $0.50 off any tuna pouch product. Take them to a store that doubles, like Wegmans or Tops, for some cheap tuna! I keep holding out hope that either store will have a $1 sale on these because while I like cheap tuna, I love free tuna more. :-)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Local Target mailer = free bread
If you're a regular reader of my blog, you've seen me mention my local Greece Target's ongoing renovation. The signs in the store have said that they will start carrying fresh foods in an expanded grocery department, effective March 25th.
If you're local, look for this postcard in your mail:
On the back side is a peelie coupon good for one 16 - 24 oz. loaf of Market Pantry white or wheat sandwich bread, valid 3/25 - 4/2.
I'm excited to see how large their new grocery department will be, and you can be sure I'll stop by for my free bread!
If you're local, look for this postcard in your mail:
On the back side is a peelie coupon good for one 16 - 24 oz. loaf of Market Pantry white or wheat sandwich bread, valid 3/25 - 4/2.
I'm excited to see how large their new grocery department will be, and you can be sure I'll stop by for my free bread!
Tops gas points reminder
A quick reminder...If you have earned Tops gas points during the last earning period, this Saturday (3/24) is the last day to redeem them.
I have a $2.30 per gallon discount, which will definitely help with the outrageous cost of gas.
I'd love to hear how well my readers did with their gas discounts. Just leave me a comment below!
I have a $2.30 per gallon discount, which will definitely help with the outrageous cost of gas.
I'd love to hear how well my readers did with their gas discounts. Just leave me a comment below!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Free chips & queso at Chili's
Join the Chili's Email Club and get a coupon good for a free order of Skillet Queso & Chips (with the purchase of an entree). That sounds like a tasty deal to me! :-)
More free coffee creamer
Not to be outdone by CoffeeMate's Free Flavor Friday giveaway, International Delight is offering a coffee creamer sweepstakes on their Facebook page. The grand prize is a year's supply of coffee creamer, the first prize is a month's supply, and the first 50,000 entrants get a coupon for a free quart of coffee creamer. Good luck!
$7 in free Crest coupons
Head over to Vocalpoint for $7 in Crest Pro-Health Clinical coupons to be mailed to you. Vocalpoint coupons and samples tend to go quickly, so be sure to head over right away if you're interested in getting these.
Not a Vocalpoint member? Sign up here. I don't get offers from Vocalpoint often, but when I do they are normally great!
Possible free CoffeeMate on 3/23!
Found in my email this morning...
It's a one-day celebration to say thank you to our biggest fans and we want you to be part of it. This Friday, we'll be giving away 200,000 coupons for a free bottle of COFFEE-MATE®. Make sure to request your coupon from our website or our Facebook page on March 23rd starting at 9am (PST).
Be sure to check out their Facebook page Friday for your chance to nab a coupon. I'm not a coffee drinker, but I love a splash of flavored creamer in my hot chocolate!
It's a one-day celebration to say thank you to our biggest fans and we want you to be part of it. This Friday, we'll be giving away 200,000 coupons for a free bottle of COFFEE-MATE®. Make sure to request your coupon from our website or our Facebook page on March 23rd starting at 9am (PST).
Be sure to check out their Facebook page Friday for your chance to nab a coupon. I'm not a coffee drinker, but I love a splash of flavored creamer in my hot chocolate!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Possible free Heluva Good dip at Tops
I ran into Tops today to grab some Silk Almondmilk (not on sale, but there is a coupon here) and noticed a possible freebie. The small (8 oz.) cartons of Heluva Good French Onion dip are on sale 10/$10. There is a link on the Heluva Good website for a $0.50 coupon (look for the coupon link in the lower right corner - it looks like it's cheese, but the coupon is good on any of their products). The link goes to a Red Plum coupon, but I'm getting a webpage error after I click the print button. If you can get the coupon to print, it'll mean free dip after the coupon doubles!
$50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!
Reality Couponing in Rochester, NY has teamed up with some other great blogs to give you the opportunity to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card! It's easy to enter -- just "like" all of the participating blogs on Facebook for a chance to win. This giveaway will be open until March 27th at midnight EST.
Just use the Rafflecopter form below to enter. GOOD LUCK!
Just use the Rafflecopter form below to enter. GOOD LUCK!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Money Saving Challenge - week 11 in review
I've been so busy this week, I didn't have much time for money-saving activities but did manage to do a few things:
- I matched sales and coupons at Tops to save money on my groceries.
- I returned bottles at the grocery store to lower my out-of-pocket grocery expenses.
- When sales items were sold out at the grocery store, I made sure to ask for a raincheck. Not only will I be able to get them at the sales price, but I may possibly be able to earn gas points when they are back in stock.
- I combined errands on my outings to help save money on gas.
- I walked home from school with my girls one day. In all honesty, this was not a planned event but it did save on gas nonetheless!
- I received a free sample of Tide Pod detergent in the mail.
- I used coupons for Toys R Us and a local pizzeria to help lower birthday party expenses.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Sorry for the sporadic posts
I just wanted to apologize for the lack of posting lately. I have been super busy -- I had one of my girls' birthday earlier this week, my son's in later this week, and my other daughter's is next week (my special kind of March Madness LOL), plus I've been busy volunteering at school a lot. I promise to get some posts up soon and after the middle of next week things should settle back to normal (whatever that is!).
Monday, March 12, 2012
Milk coupons!
If your family goes through milk as quickly as mine does, you know how expensive it can get and how rarely there are coupons. I didn't get a chance to look at yesterday's Democrat & Chronicle until this morning, so if you didn't notice it yet, look for this flap on the outside side cover:
Inside the flap, there are 2 milk coupons that expire 4/30/12 -- $0.50 off any Upstate Farms half gallon or larger and $0.25 off any 16 oz. Intense Milks.
You'll get the most bang for your buck if you take these coupons to a store that doubles like Tops or Wegmans.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Money Saving Challenge - week 10 in review
Boy, this week flew by quickly. I can't believe it's already Saturday! Here is a look back on the things I did this week to help save money:
- I matched sales and coupons at Tops to reduce my grocery costs, and tried to make sure I used as many coupons as possible in order to maximize my gas points.
- I combined errands on my outings so I could conserve gas.
- I stayed home 2 days in order to conserve gas.
- I used no heat at all one day this week when it was unseasonably warm.
- I received a box of Proctor & Gamble free samples and coupons.
- I needed to buy a birthday card, so I went to the nearby CVS and used a $1 ExtraCare Buck that was expiring that day in order to lower my out-of-pocket expense and not waste the "free money." Now if only I had remembered that I had a $10 CVS cash card in my wallet, I could have spent no money on it. Grr! :-(
- My older daughter's birthday is tomorrow. She wanted an American Girl doll for years and finally received one for Christmas, but has no clothes for it other than what the doll came with. I went to Joann's and used their coupons, along with coupons from Michaels and A.C. Moore, to stock up on several 18" doll outfits. Using the coupons, I was able to buy them each for 40% off their already-much-cheaper-than-official-American Girl prices. Shh! Don't tell her until tomorrow! ;-)
- I made my own liquid hand soap from a free bar of soap. Results and tutorial to come soon!
- I made a batch of homemade laundry detergent. I know I've posted about this in the past, but I'll post another how-to soon.
- When I drove my husbands car to the grocery store one day this week, I returned a couple empty soda bottles I found in it and used the money towards my groceries.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Better than FREE Renuzit at Tops starting 3/11
Starting on Sunday, 3/11, Tops has Renuzit Fresh Accents air fresheners on sale 2 for $3. After the coupon below doubles, it will be free. Submit for the "Try Me Free" rebate and it's a money maker!
$0.75 off Renuzit Fresh Accents air freshener:

These are also part of a buy $15 in participating products and earn a $5 off Catalina deal.
$0.75 off Renuzit Fresh Accents air freshener:

These are also part of a buy $15 in participating products and earn a $5 off Catalina deal.
Reminder: Tuna Pouch Friday
Since today is another Tuna Pouch Friday, don't forget to head over to the StarKist Facebook page to print out your coupons for $0.50 off any tuna pouch product. Take them to a store that doubles, like Wegmans or Tops, for some cheap tuna!
T.G.I. Mega Swag Bucks Day!
I've done my morning search on Swagbucks today. Have you? Every Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Day, where the chances of being rewarded large denominations of Swag Bucks is increased. What are you waiting for? Go do your searches now!
Not familiar with Swagbucks? Here's the deal:
Swagbucks is a search engine (like Google or Yahoo). You are awarded points randomly (called Swag Bucks) when you search the Internet, answer surveys, watch videos, play games, etc. Once you sign up (it's free!), you can also refer friends and family and earn points from their referrals.
I normally earn my points through doing the web searches only (and really, who doesn't already do that? Why not get rewarded for what you're already doing?). I seem to get points after my third or fourth search and I try to do it once in the morning and again in the evening. When I earn points for a search, they are generally in the 7 - 10 point range. I've also done some surveys and earned a bunch of points very quickly. And every Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Day, where the odds of winning high-value Swag Bucks are increased.
Swag Bucks are redeemed in the Swagstore. While there are a lot of things to choose from, my favorite item hands down is the $5 Amazon gift card for 450 points. I know, that sounds like a lot of points, right? Trust me, if you commit to doing 2 searches per day, the points can add up quickly. I started using Swagbucks in June 2011 and by the end of the year I cashed in for $45 in Amazon gift cards which really helped with my Christmas shopping. I figure this year I'll be consistent enough about it that I will have quite a bit of free money to play with!
Interested? Sign up at Swagbucks (remember, it's free) and start earning free stuff!
Amazon gift cards earned in 2011: $45
Amazon gift cards earned in 2012: $20
Not familiar with Swagbucks? Here's the deal:
Swagbucks is a search engine (like Google or Yahoo). You are awarded points randomly (called Swag Bucks) when you search the Internet, answer surveys, watch videos, play games, etc. Once you sign up (it's free!), you can also refer friends and family and earn points from their referrals.
I normally earn my points through doing the web searches only (and really, who doesn't already do that? Why not get rewarded for what you're already doing?). I seem to get points after my third or fourth search and I try to do it once in the morning and again in the evening. When I earn points for a search, they are generally in the 7 - 10 point range. I've also done some surveys and earned a bunch of points very quickly. And every Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Day, where the odds of winning high-value Swag Bucks are increased.
Swag Bucks are redeemed in the Swagstore. While there are a lot of things to choose from, my favorite item hands down is the $5 Amazon gift card for 450 points. I know, that sounds like a lot of points, right? Trust me, if you commit to doing 2 searches per day, the points can add up quickly. I started using Swagbucks in June 2011 and by the end of the year I cashed in for $45 in Amazon gift cards which really helped with my Christmas shopping. I figure this year I'll be consistent enough about it that I will have quite a bit of free money to play with!
Interested? Sign up at Swagbucks (remember, it's free) and start earning free stuff!
Amazon gift cards earned in 2011: $45
Amazon gift cards earned in 2012: $20
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Possible free Vaseline lotion at Wegmans
I ran into Wegmans today just to grab some milk when I noticed one of the bins near the registers was filled with tubes of different varieties of Vaseline Total Moisture lotion. The tubes are 3 ounces and on Shoppers Club for $0.79.
In the March issue of All You magazine, there is a $1 off any one Vaseline lotion coupon. Now, the coupon states "excluding trial or travel size," but doesn't specify ounces, so I don't know for sure if it's valid for these or not. I believe I saw another Vaseline coupon in one of the Sunday paper coupon inserts a month or so ago that also said it excluded the trial/travel size, but did say 3 ounces and up, so my gut instinct is that this should get you some free lotion!
In the March issue of All You magazine, there is a $1 off any one Vaseline lotion coupon. Now, the coupon states "excluding trial or travel size," but doesn't specify ounces, so I don't know for sure if it's valid for these or not. I believe I saw another Vaseline coupon in one of the Sunday paper coupon inserts a month or so ago that also said it excluded the trial/travel size, but did say 3 ounces and up, so my gut instinct is that this should get you some free lotion!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Happy mail day!
Earlier this year, I wrote a post about signing up for Proctor & Gamble coupons and samples. Well, guess what came in the mail today?
And guess what was in the box? A booklet of coupons and a bunch of great samples!
Getting mail like this sure beats getting a bunch of bills, right?! :-)
My tips of the day: Get on manufacturer mailing lists and sign up for freebies when they offer them!
And guess what was in the box? A booklet of coupons and a bunch of great samples!
Getting mail like this sure beats getting a bunch of bills, right?! :-)
My tips of the day: Get on manufacturer mailing lists and sign up for freebies when they offer them!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
3/4 - 3/10 Tops deals
I've made several small trips to Tops the past 3 days in order to maximize my gas points (this Saturday is the last day to earn!) and stay within the 4 like coupon doubling limit. Here are the fruits of my labor and the transaction breakdown:
Transaction 1
4 Fisher Boy fish sticks - $1.50 each
On sale 2/$6, used 4 $0.75 coupons (double to $1.50) printed from here and here (look for the coupon link at the bottom of the page)
4 cartons of Silk Fruit & Protein - $1.29 each
On sale for $2.29 each, used 4 $1 coupons printed from here (also available here)
8 cartons of YoCrunch yogurt - $0.35 each
On sale 10/$6, used 2 $1 off 4 coupons printed from here (click on the link at the top to join the "Crunch Bunch" and there will be a coupon link at the bottom of the page after you join)
The retail price was $41.04 and I paid $14.69 after discounts and coupons, for a savings of approximately 64%.
Transaction 2
5 bags of Chex Mix - $0.49 each, see note below
On sale for $1.49 each, used 5 $0.50 coupons from here
Note: Per Tops' coupon policy, only the first 4 coupons should have doubled but the cashier doubled all of them. Also, I hadn't planned on buying more of these since I had stocked up quite a bit last week but I noticed on my first trip of the week that the sale and Catalina deal were still going on. Buying 5 bags earned me a $3 Catalina coupon to use on a future shopping trip. The sale on these lasts until 3/10 and the Catalina offer is valid until 3/17, so if you missed my post last week and want to stock up this week, you can read this post to find a few more sources of printable Chex Mix coupons.
4 boxes of Fisher Boy fish sticks - $1.50 each
On sale 2/$6, used 4 $0.75 coupons (double to $1.50) printed from here and here
The retail value of this trip was $36.91 and I paid $5.45 after discounts and coupons (I also used one of the $3 Catalina coupons I earned from the Chex Mix deal last week), for an approximate savings of 85%.
Transaction 3
1 bottle of Olay body wash - $0.99
On sale for $2.99, used the $2 coupon from the 3/4 Proctor & Gamble coupon insert
2 boxes of Nabisco Cheese Nips - $1.17 each
On sale 3/$5, used a $1 off 2 coupon printed from here
4 boxes of Fisher Boy fish sticks - $1.50 each (yes, when "Stock up for Lent" was printed next to these in the weekly ad, I took them up on that offer!)
On sale 2/$6, used 4 $0.75 coupons (double to $1.50) printed from here and here
1 package of Kraft Fresh Take - $1.00
On sale 2/$5, used a $0.75 coupon (doubles to $1.50) printed from here
1 loaf of Bimbo honey wheat bread - $0.90 (am I the only one who laughs at this brand name?!)
On sale 2/$4, used a $0.55 coupon (doubles to $1.10) I printed at but no longer seems to be available
Note: If you were able to print this while it was available, they also have their smaller loaf of white bread priced at $1.49 making it just $0.39 after the coupon.
2 boxes of Better Oats oatmeal - $0.45 each (oh how I wish I hadn't used most of my coupons when these were on sale 4/$5 after few weeks ago!)
On sale 10/$10, used a $0.55 off 2 coupon (doubles to $1.10) printed from here
The retail value was $40.99 and I paid $9.21 after discounts and coupons (I used another $3 Catalina from last week's Chex Mix deal stock-up), for a savings of about 78%.
Transaction 4
2 boxes of Nabisco Cheese Nips - $1.17 each
On sale 3/$5, used a $1 off 2 coupon printed from here
2 boxes of Better Oats oatmeal - $0.45 each
On sale 10/$10, used a $0.55 off 2 coupon (doubles to $1.10) printed from here
6 Banquet pot pies - $0.80 each
On sale 10/$10, used a $0.60 off 6 coupon (for some reason this doubled to $1.19 instead of $1.20??) found in a previously purchased package of Banquet frozen meals
16 cartons of YoCrunch yogurt - $0.35 each
On sale 10/$6, used 4 $1 off 4 coupons printed from here
I also bought plums and nectarines (no coupons, but were on sale $1.49/lb.)
The retail value of this transaction was $38.97 and I paid $15.15 after discounts and coupons (I also used the $3 Catalina coupon from this week's Chex deal), for a savings of 61%.
Overall, my total retail value this week was $157.91 and I paid $44.50, for an approximate savings of 72%. I've also earned a gas discount of $2.30 per gallon (a far cry from my $3.50 last earning period, but with the insane price of gas I'll take any discount I can get!).
Transaction 1
4 Fisher Boy fish sticks - $1.50 each
On sale 2/$6, used 4 $0.75 coupons (double to $1.50) printed from here and here (look for the coupon link at the bottom of the page)
4 cartons of Silk Fruit & Protein - $1.29 each
On sale for $2.29 each, used 4 $1 coupons printed from here (also available here)
8 cartons of YoCrunch yogurt - $0.35 each
On sale 10/$6, used 2 $1 off 4 coupons printed from here (click on the link at the top to join the "Crunch Bunch" and there will be a coupon link at the bottom of the page after you join)
The retail price was $41.04 and I paid $14.69 after discounts and coupons, for a savings of approximately 64%.
Transaction 2
5 bags of Chex Mix - $0.49 each, see note below
On sale for $1.49 each, used 5 $0.50 coupons from here
Note: Per Tops' coupon policy, only the first 4 coupons should have doubled but the cashier doubled all of them. Also, I hadn't planned on buying more of these since I had stocked up quite a bit last week but I noticed on my first trip of the week that the sale and Catalina deal were still going on. Buying 5 bags earned me a $3 Catalina coupon to use on a future shopping trip. The sale on these lasts until 3/10 and the Catalina offer is valid until 3/17, so if you missed my post last week and want to stock up this week, you can read this post to find a few more sources of printable Chex Mix coupons.
4 boxes of Fisher Boy fish sticks - $1.50 each
On sale 2/$6, used 4 $0.75 coupons (double to $1.50) printed from here and here
The retail value of this trip was $36.91 and I paid $5.45 after discounts and coupons (I also used one of the $3 Catalina coupons I earned from the Chex Mix deal last week), for an approximate savings of 85%.
Transaction 3
1 bottle of Olay body wash - $0.99
On sale for $2.99, used the $2 coupon from the 3/4 Proctor & Gamble coupon insert
2 boxes of Nabisco Cheese Nips - $1.17 each
On sale 3/$5, used a $1 off 2 coupon printed from here
4 boxes of Fisher Boy fish sticks - $1.50 each (yes, when "Stock up for Lent" was printed next to these in the weekly ad, I took them up on that offer!)
On sale 2/$6, used 4 $0.75 coupons (double to $1.50) printed from here and here
1 package of Kraft Fresh Take - $1.00
On sale 2/$5, used a $0.75 coupon (doubles to $1.50) printed from here
1 loaf of Bimbo honey wheat bread - $0.90 (am I the only one who laughs at this brand name?!)
On sale 2/$4, used a $0.55 coupon (doubles to $1.10) I printed at but no longer seems to be available
Note: If you were able to print this while it was available, they also have their smaller loaf of white bread priced at $1.49 making it just $0.39 after the coupon.
2 boxes of Better Oats oatmeal - $0.45 each (oh how I wish I hadn't used most of my coupons when these were on sale 4/$5 after few weeks ago!)
On sale 10/$10, used a $0.55 off 2 coupon (doubles to $1.10) printed from here
The retail value was $40.99 and I paid $9.21 after discounts and coupons (I used another $3 Catalina from last week's Chex Mix deal stock-up), for a savings of about 78%.
Transaction 4
2 boxes of Nabisco Cheese Nips - $1.17 each
On sale 3/$5, used a $1 off 2 coupon printed from here
2 boxes of Better Oats oatmeal - $0.45 each
On sale 10/$10, used a $0.55 off 2 coupon (doubles to $1.10) printed from here
6 Banquet pot pies - $0.80 each
On sale 10/$10, used a $0.60 off 6 coupon (for some reason this doubled to $1.19 instead of $1.20??) found in a previously purchased package of Banquet frozen meals
16 cartons of YoCrunch yogurt - $0.35 each
On sale 10/$6, used 4 $1 off 4 coupons printed from here
I also bought plums and nectarines (no coupons, but were on sale $1.49/lb.)
The retail value of this transaction was $38.97 and I paid $15.15 after discounts and coupons (I also used the $3 Catalina coupon from this week's Chex deal), for a savings of 61%.
Overall, my total retail value this week was $157.91 and I paid $44.50, for an approximate savings of 72%. I've also earned a gas discount of $2.30 per gallon (a far cry from my $3.50 last earning period, but with the insane price of gas I'll take any discount I can get!).
Monday, March 5, 2012
Kellogg's cereal deals
If you're in need of cereal, this is your week! There are several stores having sales on Kellogg's cereal right now. To get a good deal, you will need the $5 off any 5 Kellogg's cereals (10-oz. or larger, any flavor)coupon printed from here (use zip 14626). Remember, you can print 2 copies per computer if you really need to build your cereal stockpile!
Note: The above coupon specifically states that it is valid only in Rochester or Buffalo. Also, this is a pretty hot coupon so you may want to print it before it disappears!
Here are some scenarios for you, depending on where you're planning on shopping this week:
On sale 4/$10, buy 5 and use the $5/5 coupon
Final cost = $7.50 or $1.50 each
On sale $2.75 each, buy 5 and use the $5/5 coupon plus the $1 off 3 Target coupon
Final cost = $7.75 or $1.55 each PLUS get a free $5 Target gift card when you buy 5 of the listed Kellogg's items, for a net cost of $2.75 or $0.55 each.
Notes: The ad states that the $2.75 price is for select Kellogg's cereals and others are priced at $3.99 each. Also, the Target coupon is valid only on the following varieties: Raisin Bran Cinnamon Almond, Crunchy Nut & Honey Loops, Crunchy Nut Caramel Nut, Crunchy Nut Flakes, and Frosted Flakes. In the above scenario, I'm assuming these are part of the $2.75 sale. If not, you'd pay $8.75 total (or $1.75 each) by using justthe manufacturer coupon plus you'd still earn the $5 gift card).
On sale 5/$10, buy 5 and use the $5/5 coupon
Final cost = $5.00 or $1.00 each PLUS get a free 8-ct. box of Pop-Tarts when you buy 4 Kellogg's cereals (net price of $0.83 per item for 6 items)
Note: The ad states this offer is a "Shop Your Way Rewards" members only deal. I'll admit, I absolutely avoid my local Kmart like the plague, so I don't know how you go about obtaining a "Shop Your Way Rewards" membership. I'm assuming you can just sign up at the store? If anyone knows for sure what's involved, please leave me a comment below!
Note: The above coupon specifically states that it is valid only in Rochester or Buffalo. Also, this is a pretty hot coupon so you may want to print it before it disappears!
Here are some scenarios for you, depending on where you're planning on shopping this week:
On sale 4/$10, buy 5 and use the $5/5 coupon
Final cost = $7.50 or $1.50 each
On sale $2.75 each, buy 5 and use the $5/5 coupon plus the $1 off 3 Target coupon
Final cost = $7.75 or $1.55 each PLUS get a free $5 Target gift card when you buy 5 of the listed Kellogg's items, for a net cost of $2.75 or $0.55 each.
Notes: The ad states that the $2.75 price is for select Kellogg's cereals and others are priced at $3.99 each. Also, the Target coupon is valid only on the following varieties: Raisin Bran Cinnamon Almond, Crunchy Nut & Honey Loops, Crunchy Nut Caramel Nut, Crunchy Nut Flakes, and Frosted Flakes. In the above scenario, I'm assuming these are part of the $2.75 sale. If not, you'd pay $8.75 total (or $1.75 each) by using justthe manufacturer coupon plus you'd still earn the $5 gift card).
On sale 5/$10, buy 5 and use the $5/5 coupon
Final cost = $5.00 or $1.00 each PLUS get a free 8-ct. box of Pop-Tarts when you buy 4 Kellogg's cereals (net price of $0.83 per item for 6 items)
Note: The ad states this offer is a "Shop Your Way Rewards" members only deal. I'll admit, I absolutely avoid my local Kmart like the plague, so I don't know how you go about obtaining a "Shop Your Way Rewards" membership. I'm assuming you can just sign up at the store? If anyone knows for sure what's involved, please leave me a comment below!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Free kids' meals at Chili's!
The fine print: Free meals available only to kids 12 and under. Purchase of 1 or more adult entrees is required, with a limit of 2 kids' meals per adult entree ordered. Multiple redemption per table are allowed. Not valid with any other offers or discounts. Valid at participating locations only (FYI, the Elmridge location in Greece is participating).
Saturday, March 3, 2012
For readers near Weis Markets
For those of you who are regular readers of this blog, you know that I feature Tops and Wegmans deals since those are my local grocery stores.
If you are in certain areas of the Southern Tier (hey in-laws, I'm talking to you!), you may also have Weis Markets nearby. While I was in the process of searching for something completely unrelated, I stumbled on a link to the Weis Facebook page. In case you don't already know, if you "like" them you will be able to print out their store coupons (FYI, you must "like" them before you can even see what coupons are available).
I've never shopped there, so I have no idea what kind of prices they have or deals they run. Hopefully, their store coupons will be helpful to some of you.
If you are in certain areas of the Southern Tier (hey in-laws, I'm talking to you!), you may also have Weis Markets nearby. While I was in the process of searching for something completely unrelated, I stumbled on a link to the Weis Facebook page. In case you don't already know, if you "like" them you will be able to print out their store coupons (FYI, you must "like" them before you can even see what coupons are available).
I've never shopped there, so I have no idea what kind of prices they have or deals they run. Hopefully, their store coupons will be helpful to some of you.
Money Saving Challenge - week 9 in review
After not being all that impressed about my money saving efforts last week, I feel a little better about this week's (despite having unexpected car and dental expenses this week):
- I matched sales and coupons at Tops and Wegmans to make the most of my grocery money. I was especially excited to get lots of free pasta and Snapple, plus fantastic deals on Chex Mix.
- I combined errands on my outings to help save on gas.
- When my husband and I went out for our anniversary dinner, we used a coupon and gift money we received. We only ended up paying the tip out-of-pocket, plus we had leftovers to bring home.
- I packed leftovers for my husbands work lunches.
- I cashed in Swagbucks for a $5 Amazon gift card to be used towards Christmas gifts later this year.
- I used my oven on a cold day to help warm up the kitchen. When I was done baking, I opened the oven door while it was cooling in order to continue to help warm the area.
- I spent a lot of time volunteering at my daughters' school this week. To avoid buying anything from the staff lounge vending machine, I brought my own snacks and drinks from my stockpile (the snacks were cheap and the drinks were free after sales and coupons!).
- I cut my dishwasher tablets in half, and let my husband know that they clean just as well as a full one. Hopefully he'll follow suit the next time he fills the washing machine (How cool is that? Isn't he an awesome guy for voluntarily doing dishes?!)
Cheap Johnson's baby lotion
Wegmans currently has the 15-oz. bottles of Johnson's baby lotion on sale for $2.39. Use the $0.75 coupon over here (you can click on the 'Baby & Toddler' link on the left to get to it quickly) and pay just $0.89 after the coupon doubles.
Don't forget, if you are collecting receipts for the Healthy Essentials coupon offer (which is valid on receipts dated until 3/8), this is a participating brand!
Don't forget, if you are collecting receipts for the Healthy Essentials coupon offer (which is valid on receipts dated until 3/8), this is a participating brand!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Friday = Mega Swag Bucks Day!
I've done my morning search on Swagbucks today. Have you? Every Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Day, where the chances of being rewarded large denominations of Swag Bucks is increased. What are you waiting for? Go do your searches now!
Not familiar with Swagbucks? Here's the deal:
Swagbucks is a search engine (like Google or Yahoo). You are awarded points randomly (called Swag Bucks) when you search the Internet, answer surveys, watch videos, play games, etc. Once you sign up (it's free!), you can also refer friends and family and earn points from their referrals.
I normally earn my points through doing the web searches only (and really, who doesn't already do that? Why not get rewarded for what you're already doing?). I seem to get points after my third or fourth search and I try to do it once in the morning and again in the evening. When I earn points for a search, they are generally in the 7 - 10 point range. I've also done some surveys and earned a bunch of points very quickly. And every Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Day, where the odds of winning high-value Swag Bucks are increased.
Swag Bucks are redeemed in the Swagstore. While there are a lot of things to choose from, my favorite item hands down is the $5 Amazon gift card for 450 points. I know, that sounds like a lot of points, right? Trust me, if you commit to doing 2 searches per day, the points can add up quickly. I started using Swagbucks in June 2011 and by the end of the year I cashed in for $45 in Amazon gift cards which really helped with my Christmas shopping. I figure this year I'll be consistent enough about it that I will have quite a bit of free money to play with!
Interested? Sign up at Swagbucks (remember, it's free) and start earning free stuff!
Amazon gift cards earned in 2011: $45
Amazon gift cards earned in 2012: $20
Not familiar with Swagbucks? Here's the deal:
Swagbucks is a search engine (like Google or Yahoo). You are awarded points randomly (called Swag Bucks) when you search the Internet, answer surveys, watch videos, play games, etc. Once you sign up (it's free!), you can also refer friends and family and earn points from their referrals.
I normally earn my points through doing the web searches only (and really, who doesn't already do that? Why not get rewarded for what you're already doing?). I seem to get points after my third or fourth search and I try to do it once in the morning and again in the evening. When I earn points for a search, they are generally in the 7 - 10 point range. I've also done some surveys and earned a bunch of points very quickly. And every Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Day, where the odds of winning high-value Swag Bucks are increased.
Swag Bucks are redeemed in the Swagstore. While there are a lot of things to choose from, my favorite item hands down is the $5 Amazon gift card for 450 points. I know, that sounds like a lot of points, right? Trust me, if you commit to doing 2 searches per day, the points can add up quickly. I started using Swagbucks in June 2011 and by the end of the year I cashed in for $45 in Amazon gift cards which really helped with my Christmas shopping. I figure this year I'll be consistent enough about it that I will have quite a bit of free money to play with!
Interested? Sign up at Swagbucks (remember, it's free) and start earning free stuff!
Amazon gift cards earned in 2011: $45
Amazon gift cards earned in 2012: $20
Tuna Pouch Fridays = cheap StarKist
Head over to the StarKist Facebook page every Friday until April 6th and you can print a coupon for $0.50 off any StarKist tuna pouch product (the coupon link is at the bottom left of the page). Take it to a store that doubles like Wegmans or Tops and this will make for some cheap tuna. Better yet, hopefully either store will have a $1 sale to pair the coupon with to make them free. :-)
Since this a "bricks" coupon, don't forget to hit your browser's back button a couple of times to get your second copy of the coupon.
Since this a "bricks" coupon, don't forget to hit your browser's back button a couple of times to get your second copy of the coupon.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Nature's Marketplace magazine - March issue
After being unable to find the February issue of Nature's Marketplace magazine last month, I spotted the March issue today. In it are the following coupons:
- $1.00 off any 2 Kashi cookies, crackers, pita crisps, or snack bars (exp. 4/20/12)
- $1.00 off any Cascadian Farm frozen potatoes (exp. 6/1/12) -- These will run about $2 after the coupon, but this brand has been on sale before. With such a far off expiration date, hopefully there will be a good sale again!
- $1.00 off any Rescue pastilles (exp. 8/31/12)
- $1.00 off Olbas instant herbal tea (exp. 4/30/12)
- $1.00 off 2 Larabar bars (exp. 6/1/12) -- These are currently priced at $1.39 each making them $0.89 each after the coupon, but I *think* I've seen them go on sale for $1 each in the past.
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