Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tip of the Day: Think outside the box

So, company is coming over and you realize you're out of toilet bowl cleaner and wet Swiffer wipes.  You run over and grab some at Staples, right?  What?  Not your first thought?  That's what I did recently but I had to think outside the box!

I have a Staples Rewards card that I use when I make purchases or recycle ink cartridges there, but I often forget to log into my account and print my rewards.  I remembered to do that a couple of weeks ago and was surprised to find I had about $20 in rewards to redeem at the store.  Since the only school supply item I still needed to purchase was a specific binder I couldn't find elsewhere, I decided I'd use part of my rewards to purchase it.  Then it hit me...Staples carries all sorts of office necessities including cleaning supplies, which I needed to buy.  Instead of taking my couple of coupons to the supermarket or discount store and paying out of pocket, I took them over to Staples and paid nothing (well actually, I stocked up and ended up paying $0.31 -- oh, and I found a Lysol rebate I'll be able to send in)!  So, don't forget to think outside the box when it comes to getting a good deal.

If you don't have a Staples Rewards card, I highly suggest signing up.  It's free and you'll earn a percentage back on select purchases and $2 for each ink cartridge you recycle there.

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