Wednesday, June 13, 2012

6/10 - 6/16 Tops deals - shopping trip #4

I originally thought today's Tops trip would be my final one of the week, but I found a couple more coupons and deals (after coming home from the store, of course!) I'd like to take advantage of.  So, it looks like I'll be heading back one more time.  In the meantime, here is the breakdown of today's purchases...

2 bottles Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce - $0.50 each
On sale 10/$10, used a $1 off 2 coupon from the 5/20 SmartSource coupon insert

2 boxes Hefty slider freezer bags - $0.90 eachOn sale 2/$4, used 2 $0.55 coupons (double to $1.10) printed from their Facebook page

2 pouches Betty Crocker cookie mix - $1.00 each
On sale 2/$4, used 2 $0.50 coupons (double to $1) no longer available to print at (sorry!)
*Each of these earned a bonus Monopoly game piece.

3 envelopes Ortega taco seasoning - $0.22 each
Priced at $0.89 each, used a $1 off 3 coupon from the 4/15 SmartSource coupon insert and stacked with the $1 off 2 Tops coupon from their website

1 can Monster energy drink - FREE
On sale 3/$5, used a free product coupon from the Monopoly game
*This earned a bonus Monopoly game piece.
Note: Don't forget that you can always donate unwanted/unneeded products.  No one in my house drinks this, but since it was a freebie (plus I earned an extra game piece) I picked it up anyway and sent it in to work with my husband.  I'm sure someone there will be thrilled to be visited by the free drink fairy!

1 package Borden Singles Sensations cheese slices - $0.49, see note
On sale for $1.99, used a $0.75 coupon (doubles to $1.50) in the July issue of All You magazine (which came in today's mail -- great timing!)
Note: This was an unadvertised deal.  The ad featured other Borden slices on sale 2/$6, and I planned on using my coupon for those.  Since the coupon was good on any Borden cheese, I decided to check first to see if they carried any other cheaper products.  Lo and behold, I saw these and bought them since they were a great deal and my son loves this flavor.

Boneless skinless chicken breasts - $1.69/lb.
On sale (big packs) for $1.99/lb., I bought 2 packages equalling 10.06 lbs. for a price of $20.02 and used a $3 off $20 fresh meat purchase Catalina coupon I found in the parking lot last week. :-) That brought the price down to $17.02, or $1.69/lb.

The total retail cost of this grocery trip was $64.78 and I paid $23.35 after coupons and discounts, for a savings of  approximately 64%.  My gas discount is currently at $2.20 per gallon.

There will be one final, small trip most likely tomorrow.  Until then, happy shopping!

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